0114 360 9292 makecontact@msg360.co.uk
How it works
With a pURL you know exactly who’s visiting a site. And with DataTracker you can track their activities and individual behaviour while they’re there – precisely.
Typical websites only provide an overall picture of visitor behaviour, not who’s visiting or what they’re looking at. Of course, you can encourage visitors to register their details to gather information, but only a small percentage do. However, with pURLs you can:
place targeted content on the site that’s relevant to an individual, based on the information you have about them, including geo-demographics and previous buying behaviour.
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monitor their behaviour in real-time while they’re on the site, which content they looked at, for how long, and how often they returned to view it.
measure and analyse the effectiveness of content to improve future campaigns.
One-to-one marketing
With pURLs you can enjoy a level of marketing that’s as individual as your customers. For example, if an individual has bought a squash racket and been exposed to adverts selling squash shoes and you see they’ve looked at a particular pair of shoes twice but not registered their details or purchased, you can send a targeted email or call them offering 20% off those particular shoes.
See our case studies for more information.
It's simple...    
1. Send email, postcard or sms campaign containing pURL.
2. Target responds and visits personalised website – information is gathered and added to database
3. Track responses and identify leads on line and in real time. You can also receive alerts via email or sms.
4. Follow up message via sms or email, or make a sales call.
5. Establish a dialogue with your prospects and make a sale.
6. Information added to sales or marketing database.
Simply call today on 0114 360 9292 or email us at makecontact@msg360.co.uk or skype us for free
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